The HumetricsHSS team is delighted to announce the official launch of our new tool: the Values Sorter

The HuMetricsHSS Values Sorter is a self-assessment tool to support scholars, research administrators, and everyone who wishes to engage in a self-assessment of how they are performing in embedding values in their scholarly practices. The sorter has been in development for over 18 months, and we are pleased to release it to our community. We thank the Mellon Foundation for their generous support, allowing us to develop tools to further the ability of all who wish to do values-engaged work.

The Values Sorter is intended as a facilitation tool for individual self-reflection, as a pedagogical tool in the classroom or an administrative meeting, or as a group activity with a department or committee. It can be used to complement the face-to-face activities organized by the HuMetricsHSS initiative directly, or for facilitation of face-to-face activities organized by local organizations that wish to experiment with a values-based approach to scholarly practices and their evaluation using the HuMetricsHSS Workshop Kit.

You can use the HuMetricsHSS library anonymously, sign up to create and share your own library, or submit advice to be added to the public collection by applying to become a contributor. Contributors to the Values Sorter can create values, activities, and advice to be added to the larger public library, for use by all visitors to the site. 

We’ve worked hard to balance the ability to share content with privacy: personal libraries are shareable among members of your team and community who also have HuMetricsHSS accounts, but cannot be shared publicly or accessed without invitation. Content is covered by a Creative Commons International CC:BY license.

We look forward to hearing your feedback and are excited to see the kinds of values and activities you’ll bring to the community.