The Team

NICKY AGATE is Associate Dean for Academic Engagement at Carnegie Mellon University Libraries and Editorial Director of the Carnegie Mellon University Press. Formerly, she directed data and digital scholarship teams at UPenn and Columbia.

CHRIS LONG is Provost and Senior Vice President at the University of Oregon. He was formerly Professor of Philosophy and Dean of the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State. Chris writes about his work and life at

JASON RHODY is Senior Director of Engagement Strategy at the Modern Language Association. He was formerly a Program Director at SSRC and a Senior Program Officer at NEH’s ODH.

BONNIE RUSSELL is Associate Director for Mesh Research and Product Manager for Knowledge Commons, (formerly Humanities Commons) at Michigan State University. She is the digital strategist on the HuMetricsHSS team.

SIMONE SACCHI is Research Data Librarian at the European University Institute. Formerly, he was EU Projects Manager at LIBER and head of #scholcomm services at Columbia University.

BONNIE THORNTON DILL is professor in the Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and dean emerita of the College of Arts and Humanities, University of Maryland, College Park.

PENNY WEBER is the project manager for HuMetricsHSS. She is also a project manager with Mesh Research at Michigan State University, supporting projects and facilitating communication between Mesh Research and outside collaborators and partners.
Associate Member:

XHERCIS MÉNDEZ (she/her/ella) is the Vice-Chair and Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies and Queer Studies at California State University, Fullerton. She is the founder of the Campus Transformative Justice Project, a consultancy focused on addressing harm and creating actionable pathways towards accountability and healing.
Former Team Members:

STACY KONKIEL is Director of Research Relations at Altmetric. Learn more at

REBECCA KENNISON is the Executive Director of the nonprofit K|N Consultants, whose mission is to create a more just, equitable, synergistic, and sustainable scholarly system.