Upcoming: HuMetricsHSS Community Fellows blog posts!

The HuMetricsHSS Community Fellowship is coming to a close. Over the last year and a half, nineteen individuals have been engaged in values-enacted work across seventeen institutions, convening every two months to share knowledge and think deeply together on questions of transformation in academic evaluation, curriculum development, and mentorship and stewardship. We as a team have benefited enormously from these workshops and conversations, and we’re delighted to announce that we are now able to share written work from our Fellows so that our larger community can as well.

Starting next week, we will be posting pieces from our Fellows that range from brief reflections on values in their daily practice to longer overviews of their transformative projects and the results they’ve found from that work. As they’re posted, we will link them below. 

Metrics to What End? by Sophia Acord and Trysh Travis
Advancing Diverse Research Impact Measures at American University by Rachel Borchardt
Developing Unit Mentoring Programs for Non-Tenure Stream Faculty by Building on the Charting Pathways to Intellectual Leadership Initiative by Sonja Fritzsche & Dustin De Felice
“…The Cake Looks Nothing Like Its Original Ingredients”: Cooking Up My HuMetricsHSS Project by Patrick Thomas
Building for the Future at a Defunded Public University by Naomi Greyser
The Values of Scholarly Communication by Shawn Martin
The TrustWorkers Project: Challenges and Methods of Building Trust into Public Scholarship by Cristian Capotescu
Fostering collaboration across departmental and college lines by Lindsay Yotsukura
A Hopeful Place by Kiril Tomoff

You can see the full list of our Fellows here.