Transforming Research 2017: Can an Exploration of Values Move Research Evaluation Practices Forward?

Last week, the inaugural Transforming Research conference took place in Baltimore, Maryland. This meeting was unique in its ability to bring together researchers, administrators, librarians, funders, and vendors to talk about the current evaluation climate and brainstorm solutions for improving…

On Living Our Values While Under Stress (and Preparing for Workshop One)

The real work of the HuMetricsHSS initiative begins in Michigan this week, when an insightful group of thinkers—faculty members of all ranks, teaching in any number of HSS disciplines at all kinds of institutions, along with administrators, graduate students, university publishers, and librarians—has agreed to come together to rip apart, interrogate, and rebuild that values framework, to come to a consensus on the values we share as a larger group.

HuMetricsHSS at LIBER2017: Meeting the European Research Library Community

I had the opportunity to present the HuMetricsHSS projects to the European research library community at LIBER2017, the 46th LIBER Annual Conference, which happened in Patras, Greece, in July. During LIBER2017, I was invited to sit on a panel of…

IFLA WLIC 2017: Exploring Values-Based (Alt)Metrics to Enhance Library Services

In August 2017, I shared the HuMetricsHSS project with an international cross-section of librarians at the IFLA World Libraries Information Congress in Wrocław, Poland. In this post, I’ve adapted a portion of my talk. You can download the related conference…

If You’re Wondering If the HumetricsHSS Workshop Is for You, the Answer Is Yes!

This October, the HuMetricsHSS team is excited to bring together a diverse group of scholars, teachers, administrators, and students from a wide range of institutions for a topic that we believe will transform academia. Over the course of a two-day…