“…The Cake Looks Nothing Like Its Original Ingredients”: Cooking Up My HuMetricsHSS Project

As a writing teacher, I often use Natalie Goldberg’s analogy of baking a cake to describe the process of writing. Goldberg’s version goes like this: When you bake a cake, you have ingredients: sugar, flour, butter, baking soda, eggs, milk.…

Developing Unit Mentoring Programs for Non-Tenure Stream Faculty by Building on the Charting Pathways to Intellectual Leadership Initiative

Over the past five years, the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University has implemented its value-enacted Charting Pathways to Intellectual Leadership (CPIL) initiative via a multi-phase approach. (For more on the CPIL initiative and its goals, see…

Advancing Diverse Research Impact Measures at American University: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

This fellowship has been a special and rewarding experience— meeting to meet and talk with scholars who are all working on projects to make academia better, more equitable, more diverse, more fulfilling … just wow! For me, the lessons have…

The HumetricsHSS team is delighted to announce the official launch of our new tool: the Values Sorter

The HuMetricsHSS Values Sorter is a self-assessment tool to support scholars, research administrators, and everyone who wishes to engage in a self-assessment of how they are performing in embedding values in their scholarly practices. The sorter has been in development…