How do I sign up for an account?

To sign up for an account visit the Values Sorter home page and click on the "Sign Up" button in the upper right corner:

Values Sorter Home Page


You can choose to join using your email or your ORCID account:

Email or ORCID


Note: You must click the "Authorize access" button when signing up with ORCID:

Authorize access

During the sign up process you can also apply to be a contributor. Contributors may submit advice for inclusion in the larger HuMetricsHSS Values Sorter library. If you choose not to do so on sign up, you may apply to be a contributor at any time once you've created an account by clicking the button on the home page.

Become a Contributor

If you choose to sign up to be a contributor during this process you'll be asked to fill out some additional information:

Contributor Form


Once you've completed the sign up process you'll be given a quick tour. To access this tour later click the "Quick Tour" link in the footer of the page.

If you've applied to become a contributor the administrators will respond to your application shortly.