HuMetricsHSS Principles

Over the years, in addition to our set of values, the HuMetricsHSS team has come to hold a core set of beliefs that underpin our work. We’ve identified 15 key principles that guide our work, and we're ready to share them with the wider community. You can see a description of our current and past HuMetricsHSS team values here, as well as an explanation of how we arrived at them.
15 Key HuMetricsHSS Principles
- Universities are shaped by values in principle, but those values often do not filter down to processes.
- If we don’t measure what we value, we will only value what we can measure.
- Values—positive and negative—are enacted all the time, often without intention or understanding.
- Values are often in competition with one another. Taking a values-enacted approach is about engaging with intention, deliberation, and nuance, not perfection.
- It’s possible to bring a values-enacted approach to multiple forms and contexts of work.
- All work done by academics is scholarly work.
- Research, teaching, and service can be considered as cumulative, complementary, and interlinked, rather than isolated and competitive categories.
- Excellence is an ill-defined principle and yet often a proxy to determine the value of academic work.
- Excellent or quality scholarship can be defined by the ways it clearly fulfills a stated and agreed-upon set of guiding values.
- There is no such thing as a “solitary scholar;” all academic labor relies on other, often hidden, academic labor.
- The changing landscape of academic labor, including increased reliance on non-tenured professionals, requires a re-evaluation of scholarly production.
- Focusing on the processes of academic labor offers opportunities for values-based decision-making in each microtransaction.
- Current incentives and rewards create an unsustainable and unstable scholarly ecosystem.
- Making change requires understanding the levers you control within your institution and outside of it; recognizing your own agency and the spaces in which you have influence.
- Values work is iterative, ongoing, and moves at the speed of trust.