Project Summary
Our work during the HuMetricsHSS fellowship is based on a stocktake of how values driven scholarship is recognized among faculty and administrators at our university and an action research study of how values-driven scholarship is translated, or not translated, into the both official and implicit metrics that shape faculty practices at our university.
Conducting a stocktake of how values driven scholarship is recognized and valued – both explicitly and implicitly – among faculty and administrators at the university and reviewing formal guidelines and principles that structure academic practices will help us understand how faculty see values-driven scholarship as translated – or not translated – into metrics of merit and promotion, and how faculty perception of metrics has affected their engagement with values-driven scholarship. The action research component of our work engages participants in our university’s Public Scholarship Faculty Fellowship to examine how faculty can intentionally re-design structures and norms to support values-driven scholarship. Our aim is to understand how to translate research on the importance of community motivations into practice through a cooperative faculty re-design of structures and norms that support the development of these relationships and communities of researchers.
Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Ecology and the Department of Animal Science at the University of California, Davis. He is a geographer and interdisciplinary social scientist with an interest in the role of metrics and quantification in structuring governance and everyday practices.
Michael Rios
Michael Rios is the Vice Provost of Public Scholarship and Engagement and a Professor in the Department of Human Ecology. Michael’s research focuses on spatial governance, community engagement, and placemaking. As Vice Provost in the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement, he is leading university efforts to reward and recognize public scholarship in research, teaching, and creative practice.