HuMetricsHSS Initiative Community Fellowship

We are pleased to announce the 2021 HuMetricsHSS Community Fellowship. HuMetricsHSS Community Fellows are individuals who are engaged in transforming academic culture at their own institutions, whether by rethinking what forms of scholarship “count,” considering how indicators and metrics might  be informed by values, or engaging their communities in values-inflected ways. Thanks to the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, we are pleased to offer modest grants to help support such work.

Comprised of individuals working in academic and nonprofit academic–adjacent sectors, the Humane Metrics in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HuMetricsHSS) initiative facilitates the creation of locally relevant values-based frameworks that enable scholars in the humanities and social sciences (HSS), academic departments, and institutions to tell more textured and compelling stories about the impact of their research and the variety of ways it enriches public life.

The Fellows Program is open to contingent, full-time, and tenure-line faculty, administrators, librarians, and staff from any US-based institution of higher education, including community colleges, tribal colleges, HBCUs, liberal arts colleges, and teachers’ colleges, as well as the entire range of research universities.

The HuMetricsHSS Commuity Fellowship is open to both individual and collaborative applications, but we ask that only one person serve as corresponding applicant for the purposes of selection.

What Type of Funding Is Available?

This funding is allocated for the Fellow’s discretionary use within their home institution.

How Much Funding Is Available?

Each HuMetricsHSS Fellow or collaborative team will receive a one-time stipend of $4500 for use over the course of the fifteen-month fellowship. This award amount is the same regardless of the number of collaborators.

How Will Applicants Be Evaluated?

Funding decisions will be made by members of the HuMetricsHSS Initiative team alongside a small panel of peer reviewers. Proposals will be evaluated according to several principles (in no particular order): 1) the potential for the Fellow(s) to make real change at their home institution; 2) the plan for fostering a community of practice around this work; 3) the plan for the Fellow(s) to communicate their work and the potential for others to learn from and adapt/continue/build on that work.

How to Apply for Funding

To submit a proposal and view the required application form, which is being hosted by the Social Science Research Council, please visit: In order to apply through the SSRC Application Portal, you must create a unique login ID and a secure password. You may begin filling out a proposal, save it, and return to complete it at a later time.

Completed applications must be submitted by Friday, October 22, 2021.

Applicants should be prepared to provide information in the Applicant Portal, including:

  • their title, institutional affiliation, and current role;
  • a brief description of their current engagement with values-based practices;
  • a brief description of the institutional change they intend to undertake; and
  • the names and contact information for any collaborators (if applicable).

The successful applicant will demonstrate their interest in and their ability to drive institutional adoption of the HuMetricsHSS values-enacted approach.



Important Dates:

Applications open: 9/22/2021

Applications due: 10/22/2021


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