Press and Publications
The work of the HuMetricsHSS initiative has been featured or mentioned in a variety of venues. We are grateful for the attention the initiative has received, and our takeaway from this interest is that it indicates a strong desire for transformational change within the academy that we all recognize must happen collectively.
Entries are listed by date in reverse chronological order.
HuMetricsHSS Publications
Publications by the HuMetricsHSS Team (ISNI: 0000000507782305)
- The HuMetricsHSS Team. "On Measuring What We Value." (July 7, 2022)
The HuMetricsHSS Team. “Walking the Talk: Toward a Values-Aligned Academy" (February 17, 2022).
Agate, Nicky, Rebecca Kennison, Stacy Konkiel, Christopher P. Long, Jason Rhody, Simone Sacchi, and Penelope Weber. “The Transformative Power of Values-Enacted Scholarship.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7, no. 1 (December 7, 2020): 1–12.
- Agate, Nicky, Rebecca Kennison, Christoper P. Long, Jason Rhody, Simone Sacchi, and Penny Weber. “Syllabus as Locus of Intervention and Impact.” Syllabus 9, no. 1 (May 28, 2020).
- Konkiel, Stacy. "Approaches to Creating ‘Humane’ Research Evaluation Metrics for the Humanities." Insights 31 (November 15, 2018): Article 41.
- Long, Christopher. "Toxicity, Metrics, and Academic Life," in Humane Metrics/Metrics Noir, 14–25. Meson Press, 2018. [Published version of talk given at the conference Radical Open Access II – The Ethics of Care on 26 June.]
News Stories
- Christensen, Kelley. “Confronting Change.” UO Research and Innovation, March 3, 2025.
- Long, Christopher P. "The Intentional Work of Values-Enacted Change." January 24, 2023
- Harris, Dianne. "Continuing to Rethink the Academy in 2023." January 9, 2023
- Hammerich, Jenna. "Healing the Academy: HuMetricsHSS Trains Scholars, Administration in Values-Based Metrics." Obermann Center for Advanced Studies, May 27, 2020
- Ruttenberg, Judy. "HuMetricsHSS Develops Values-Based Scholarly Measures." Association of Research Libraries, August 15, 2019
- Ellis, Lindsay. "As Scholars Are Driven to Less Prestigious Journals, New Measures of Quality Emerge." The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 17, 2019 [Translated as "A medida que los investigadores publican en revistas menos prestigiosas, surgen nuevas medidas de calidad" and posted on the blog Universo Abierto.]
- Scutari, Isaac. "Can Humanities Grants to Universities Be a Bridge to Something Bigger?" Inside Philanthropy, July 30, 2017
- Kaplan, Isaac. "The Way We Judge Humanities Professors Is Broken — This Initiative Could Fix It." Artsy, July 2017
Journal Articles
- Burton, Kath, and Erica Machulak. “The Grant Writer’s Paradox: Leveraging Public Scholarship Ideas When the Money Is Uncertain.” Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 2025,
- Craig, Anne-Marie, et al. “Collegiality in the Complex Ecosystem of Research in Academia: An Analysis of a Research-intensive University in the UK.” Studies in Higher Education, Jan. 2025, pp. 1–20.
- Visconti, Amanda Wyatt. “Organized Futures: Speculative Design for More Just and Joyful Scholarly Infrastructure.” Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 28, no. 1, Jan. 2025,
- Knudson, D. Are There Meaningful Prestige Metrics of Kinesiology-Related Journals? Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 1–22. April 29, 2024.
- Maxwell, John W. “The Care-ful Reviewer: Peer Review as if People Mattered.” Pop! 4. November 9, 2022.
- Lewis, Jonathan C., Aixa Aleman-Diaz, Mona Behl, Sarah Kolesar, Lisa White, Brandon Jones, Corey Garza, Sharon K. Cooper. “Rethinking Committee Work in the Research Enterprise: The Case of Regenerative Gatekeeping.” AGU Advances 3(6). November 5, 2022.
- Shaaban, C. Elizabeth, Tammy L. Dennis, Stephen Gabrielson, Laura J. Miller, Darlene F. Zellers, Arthur S. Levine, and Caterina Rosano. “Retention, Mobility, and Successful Transition to Independence of Health Sciences Postdocs.” PLOS ONE 17(11): e0276389. November 1, 2022.
- Hosseini, Mohammad, Julien Colomb, Alex O. Holcombe, Barbara Kern, Nicole A. Vasilevsky, and Kristi L. Holmes. “Evolution and Adoption of Contributor Role Ontologies and Taxonomies.” Learned Publishing. September 20, 2022.
- Dawson, Diane, Esteban Morales, Erin C. McKiernan, Lesley A. Schimanski, Meredith T. Niles, Juan Pablo Alperin. “The role of collegiality in academic review, promotion, and tenure.” PLOS ONE 17.4 (2022): e0265506. April 6, 2022.
- Daraio, Cinzia, Alessio Vaccari. “How should evaluation be? Is a good evaluation of research also just? Towards the implementation of good evaluation.” Scientometrics. March 12, 2022.
- Fritzsche, Sonya, William Hart-Davidson, and Christopher P. Long. “Charting Pathways of Intellectual Leadership: An Initiative for Transformative Personal and Institutional Change.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 54(3). May 5, 2022
- Lima, Giovanna, Sarah Bowman. Researcher Impact Framework: Building Audience-Focused Evidence-Based Impact Narratives, April 2022.
- McLean, Robert, Zenda Ofir, Amy Etherington, Manuel Acevedo, Osvaldo Feinstein. Research Quality Plus (RQ+): Evaluating Research Differently. International Development Research Centre (Ottawa), 2022.
- Watkinson, Charles. “What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about humanities book publishing so far? A view from North America.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing 25(1) [April 26, 2022].
- Rodenburg, Kathleen, Vinuli De Silva, Julia Christensen Hughes. “SDGs: A Responsible Research Assessment Tool toward Impactful Business Research." Sustainability 13.24 (2021):14019.
- Farrell, Emily, Emily Poznanski, Charles Watkinson. "Building a Framework Together for Assessing OA Book Publishing Models." Commonplace 1.3 (16 November).
- Morales, Esteban, Erin C. McKiernan, Meredith T. Niles, Lesley Schimanski, Juan Pablo Alperin. "How Faculty Define Quality, Prestige, and Impact of Academic Journals." PLOS ONE 16.10 (2021): e0257340.
- Alperin, Juan P., Carol Muñoz Nieves, Lesley A. Schimanski, Gustavo E. Fischman, Meredith T. Niles, and Erin C. McKiernan. "Meta Research: How Significant Are the Public Dimensions of Faculty Work in Review, Promotion, and Tenure Documents?" eLife 8 (2019): e42254. [First appeared as a preprint on Humanities Commons.]
- Aspesi, Claudio, and Amy Brand. "In Pursuit of Open Science, Open Access Is Not Enough." Science 368.6491 (2020): 574–577.
- Casalini, Michele. "Die zentrale Rolle der Bibliotheken für den Fortschritt und die Demokratie [The Centrality of Libraries for Progress and Democracy]." Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis 44.1 (2020): 80–88.
- Cleaver, James. "Debate: We Need to Change the Culture of Reliance on Inappropriate Uses of Journal Metrics — A Publisher's Viewpoint." Public Money & Management [online ahead of print; May 27, 2020].
- Niles, Meredith T, Lesley A. Schimanski, Erin C. McKiernan, and Juan P. Alperin. "Why We Publish Where We Do: Faculty Publishing Values and Their Relationship to Review, Promotion and Tenure Expectations." PLOS ONE 15.3 (2020): e0228914. [First appeared as a preprint on BioRxiv.]
- Ayala Pérez, Teresa. "Algunas consideraciones sobre las humanidades desde la era digital [Some Considerations on Humanities in the Digital Age]." Universum (Talca), 34.1 (2019): 39–64.
- Burton, Matt, Matthew J. Lavin, Jessica Otis, and Scott B. Weingart. "Digits: Two Reports on New Units of Scholarly Publication." The Journal of Electronic Publishing 22.1 (2019): [endnote 100].
- Hanneke, Rosie, and Jeanne M Link. "The Complex Nature of Research Dissemination Practices among Public Health Faculty Researchers." Journal of the Medical Library Association 107.3 (2019): 341–351.
- Hatch, Anna. "To Fix Research Assessment, Swap Slogans for Definitions." Nature 576 (2019): 9.
- Hauschke, Christian. "Problematische Aspekte bibliometrie-basierter Forschungsevaluierung [Problematic Aspects of Bibliometrics-Based Research Evaluation]." Informationspraxis 5.1 (2019): 49609.
- Lamberti , Adrienne P. "Navigating a Tangled Intersection: Agricultural Communication as Public Meeting Space among the Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Digital." Open Library of Humanities 5.1 (2019): Article 11.
- McKiernan, Erin C., Lesley A. Schimanski, Carol Muñoz Nieves, Lisa Matthias, Meredith T. Niles, and Juan P. Alperin. "Use of the Journal Impact Factor in Academic Review, Promotion, and Tenure Evaluations." eLife 8 (2019): e47338. [First appeared as a preprint on PeerJ.]
- Tang, Lydia. "Against Smallness: How Successful Language Programs Reimagine the Humanities." Profession (Fall 2019).
- Clement, Gail, Nicky Agate, Sam Searle, Danny Kingsley, and Micah Vandegrift. "JLSC Board Editorial 2018." Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6.1 (2018): eP2261.
- Duller, Matthias, Philipp Korom, Rafael Y. Schögler, and Christian Fleck. "Scholars as European Public Intellectuals?: Media Interventions in the 2014 European Parliament Election Campaign." European Societies 20.2 (2018): 322–353.
- Haak, Laurel L., Alice Meadows, and Josh Brown. "Using ORCID, DOI, and Other Open Identifiers in Research Evaluation." Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics 3 (2018): Article 28.
- Konkiel, Stacy. "Approaches to Creating 'Humane' Research Evaluation Metrics for the Humanities." Insights 31 (2018): Article 44.
- Staines, H. R. "Digital Open Annotation with Supplying the Missing Capability of the Web." Journal of Scholarly Publishing 49.3 (2018): 345–365.
- Watkinson, Charles. "The Academic eBook Ecosystem Reinvigorated: A Perspective from the USA." Learned Publishing 31.S1 (2018): 280–287.
- Mudditt, Alison. "Opening the Monograph: Lessons from Luminos." Journal of Scholarly Publishing 49.1 (2017): 41–52.
Blog Posts
- Fuhr, Justin, Emily Hampton Haynes, Alex Harrington, and Hailley Fargo. “A November Check-In from ACRLoggers,” ACRLog. November 4, 2022.
- Long, Christopher P. “Toward a More Just and Beautiful Future,” The Long Road, August 16, 2022.
- Kassimir, Ron. “No Impact People? Reframing research impact in the social sciences.” Impact of Social Sciences, August 5, 2022.
- Aguiar, Olivia. “Rethinking Research Assessment for the Greater Good: Findings from the RPT Project.” ScholCommLab, May 4, 2022.
- Studies in Arts and Humanities. “Journal History.” April 4, 2022.
- Fitzpatrick, Kathleen. "Revisiting Neoliberal Tools.” Kathleen Fitzpatrick, April 1, 2022.
- Burton, Kath. “What Academic Publishing Did Next.” Spectra, February 8, 2022.
- Plomp, Esther; Schettino, Antonio; Tsang, Emmy. "Quality Is Key." Open Working, September 1, 2021.
- Onstad, Courtney. "Publish or Perish?" Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences, July 6, 2021.
- "Are Stakeholders Measuring the Publishing Metrics That Matter?: Putting Research into Context." May 13, 2021.
- Fitzpatrick, Kathleen. "LG-6: Values." December 1, 2020.
- Rogers, Katina. "Book Launch Q&A." September 23, 2020.
- Rogers, Katina. "Graduate Education for the Public Good: Event Recap and Reflection." HASTAC, May 11, 2020.
- Cilaon, Cara; Fritsche, Sonja; Hart-Davidson, Bill; Long, Christopher P. "Staying with the Trouble: Designing a values-enacted academy." LSE Impact Blog. April 23, 2020.
- Kember, Sarah. "Distributed Open Collaborative Scholarship." Commonplace, March 15, 2020. [Reference to HuMetricsHSS is a comment by Heather Staines.]
- "The Use of Metrics in Research Assessment: Share Your Views." Editor Resources [Taylor & Francis], January 6, 2020.
- Lanier, Amanda. "Paths to Intellectual Leadership." December 9, 2019.
- Fritzsche, Sonja. "Cultivating and Evaluating Administrative Intellectual Leadership." Mini Blog on Leadership, November 16, 2019.
- Long, Christopher P. "Catalyst of Collaboration." Medium, October 13, 2019.
- Ruttenberg, Judy. "Demonstrating Impact in the Social Sciences — and Thinking Like a Social Scientist." ARL Policy Notes, May 31, 2019.
- Graves Wolf, Leigh. "#OER19 — Session Recap & Invitation to Collaborate." Leigh Graves Wolf, April 11, 2019.
- Lutgens, Gaby, and Micah Vandegrift. "Open Science and OER: Closing the Loop." OER & Beyond, April 11, 2019.
- "HuMetricsHSS: iniciativa para repensar los indicadores de excelencia en Humanidades [HuMetricsHSS: Initiative to Rethink Indicators of Excellence in the Humanities]." Universo Abierto, February 20, 2019.
- Long, Christopher P. "Living Values." Long View [Michigan State College of Arts and Letters], December 3, 2018.
- Vega, Paula Clemente. "Open Insights: An Interview with James Smith." Open Library of the Humanities, October 15, 2018. [Reposted by Foster Open Science.]
- Long, Christopher P. "Working through the Administrator and Faculty Toolkit to Recognize and Understand Effective Teaching and Learning." The Long Road, August 24, 2018.
- Johnson, Annie. "All about Impact Factors." Scholarly Communication @ Temple, June 29, 2018.
- Mattern, Shannon. "Making Knowledge Available: The Media of Generous Scholarship." Public Seminar, March 22, 2018.
- Agate, Nicky. "Humane Metrics and the Value of Values." Terrains Vagues, March 8, 2018.
- Bessette, Lee. "Weekend Reading: Valuing the Syllabus Edition." Profhacker [The Chronicle of Higher Education], March 9, 2018.
- Graves Wolf, Leigh. "Reflection: #hssvalues Valuing the Syllabus as Scholarship." Leigh Graves Wolf, March 5, 2018.
- Harris, Katherine D. "Moving Up the Professional Ladder — Promotion Narrative for Full Professor." triproftri, January 12, 2018.
- Long, Christopher P. "Humanities Commons and the Cultivation of Sustainable Communities." Long View [Michigan State College of Arts and Letters], December 4, 2017.
- Wulf, Karin. "Metrics: Human-Made, but Humane?" The Scholarly Kitchen, November 2, 2017.
- Harris, Katherine D. "What Is (the Value of) Digital Humanities (Again, Again, Again, Again … Sigh)." triproftri, November 1, 2017.
- Long, Christopher P. "Reshaping the Tenure and Promotion Process So That It Becomes a Catalyst for Innovative and Invigorating Scholarship." LSE Impact of Social Sciences, November 1, 2017.
- Trott, Adriel. "HuMetricsHSS: Can (Should) We Develop Humane Metrics for the Humanities?" The Trott Line, October 8, 2017.
Conference Presentations, Webinars, OERs, and Talks
- Fritzsche, Sonja. "The Charting a Pathway to Intellectual Leadership model: Valuing unseen gendered labor in annual and promotion review." Modern Language Association Annual Conference, January 7, 2023.
- Burton, Kath; Cocks, Catherine; Russell, Bonnie. "Publishing Values-based Scholarly Communication." Scholarly Communication Notebook, December 12, 2022.
- Garrido, Julián; Verdes-Montenegro, Lourdes; Sánchez-Exposito, Susana; Luna, Sebastián; and Jones, Mike G. "Open Science and reproducibility." SKA Data Challenges Workshop, October 1, 2019.
- Thornton Dill, Bonnie. "2019 State of the College Address." University of Maryland College of Arts and Humanities Annual Convocation, September 26, 2019.
- Wu, Yang; McElfresh, Jenessa; Morgenstern, John; and Rock, Ed. "Essentials of Scholarly Publishing." Clemson University Libraries, June 6, 2019.
- Gray, Andrew. "Measuring the Impact of Open Science." University College London Open Science Day, May 23, 2019.
- Konkiel, Stacy. "Can Metrics Be Made Humane?" Disquantified: Higher Education in the Age of Metrics Conference, May 16, 2019.
- Welzenbach, Rebecca. "Compliance and Defiance: Michigan Publishing's Early Encounters with Research Impact Metrics." Bibliometrics and Research Impact Community (BRIC) Conference, May 15, 2019.
- Owens, Erin. "Beyond Citation-Counting: Metrics and Altmetrics for Demonstrating Scholarly Impact." Association of College and Research Libraries University Libraries Section Webinar, March 19, 2019.
- Watkinson, Charles. "Academy/ic-Led Publishing: Some Thoughts from North America." Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) Webinar, Academic Publishing Day, February 7, 2019.
- Peters, Isabella. "Measuring Openness: Why Measure Openness and How Do We Do It?" LIS Bibliometrics Forum: Open Metrics and Measuring Openness, January 29, 2019.
- Brennan, Niamh. "Research Analytics Tools — An Overview." Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) General Assembly, November 8, 2018.
- Hatherill, Jeanette. "Questioning Bibliometrics and Research Impact." Bibliometrics and Research Impact Conference, May 15, 2018.
- Konkiel, Stacy. "Lessons from HuMetricsHSS: Humane Metrics Initiative." Transforming Research 2017, October 12-13, 2017.
- Madsen, Christine, and Megan Hurst. "Contextualizing Library Assessment within a Broader Ecosystem: Proposed Models for Linking the Strategic to the Micro." 12th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, July 31, 2017.
- Brandtner, Andreas, and Stefan Wiederkehr. "Tagungsbericht: Nachhaltigkeit durch Kooperation im Zeitalter von Open Science [Conference Report: Sustainability through Cooperation in the Age of Open Science]." ABI Technik 37.3–4 (2017): 280–284. [Report on the 46th LIBER Conference, July 5–7, 2017.]
- Kear, Robin. "A Brief View of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions World Library & Information Congress (IFLA WLIC 2017) in Wrocław, Poland." International Information & Library Review 49.4 (2017): 316–320.
Books and Book Chapters
- Lach, Pamella. "Centering our Values: A Framework for Digital Humanities in the Library" in Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists, Revised Second Edition, edited by Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, Liorah Golomb. Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), 2024.
- Montgomery, Lucy, John Hartley, Cameron Neylon, Malcolm Gillies, Eve Gray, Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang, Joan Leach, Jason Potts, Xiang Ren, Katherine Skinner, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Katie Wilson. Open Knowledge Institutions: Reinventing Universities. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2021.
- Fendler, Lynn. "Evaluating Productivity in Educational Research: Evaluation Criteria of Rigor and Ethics," in Production, Presentation, and Acceleration of Educational Research: Could Less be More?, edited by Paul Smeyers and Marc Depaepe, 57–75. Springer, 2021.
- Fitzpatrick, Kathleen. Generous Thinking: A Radical Approach to Saving the University. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019.
- Marcovitch, Jacques. Repensar a Universidade II: Impactos para a Sociedade [Rethinking the University II: Impacts for Society]. Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, 2019.
- Welzenbach, Rebecca, and Charles Watkinson. "Compliance and Defiance: Michigan Publishing's Early Encounters with Research Impact Metrics," in The New Metrics: Practical Assessment of Research Impact, edited by Elaine M. Lasda, 93–113. Emerald Publishing, 2019.
- Glass, Erin, and Micah Vandegrift. "Public Scholarship in Practice and Philosophy." [Preprint. No information about publication venue.]
Doctoral Dissertations and Master's Theses
- Ferrier-Watson, Anne. Traditional Metrics, Altmetrics and Researcher Profiles: A Survey of Faculty Perceptions and Use. MLIS thesis, Victoria University, Wellington, 2019.
- Macedo, Denise Silva. Mercantilização do discurso público: Universidades brasileiras [Mercantilization of Public Discourse: Brazilian Universities]. Ph.D. dissertation, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2018.
White Papers, Reports, and Toolkits
- Dougherty, Michael R., Carter, Caitlin, McKiernan, Erin, & Tananbaum, Greg. Toolkit for Aligning Incentives 1.0. February 21, 2024.
- McKiernan, Erin, Carter, Caitlin, Dougherty, Michael R., & Tananbaum, Greg. Promoting values-based assessment in review, promotion, and tenure processes. December 12, 2023.
- McKiernan, Erin, Carter, Caitlin, Dougherty, Michael R., & Tananbaum, Greg. Worksheet for Values-based Academic Assessment. October 19, 2023.
- American Psychological Association. APA Task Force Report on Promotion, Tenure and Retentionof Faculty of Color in Psychology. August 2023.
- American Psychological Association. Tenure and Promotion for Faculty of Color: A Suggested Blueprint for Academic Administrators. August 2023.
- ScienceEurope. Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment, July 20, 2022.
- Lippincott, Sarah, Katherine Skinner. FOREST Framework for Values-Driven Scholarly Communication, May 2022.
- Overlaet, Bert. A Pathway towards Multidimensional Academic Careers: A LERU Framework for the Assessment of Researchers, January 2022.
- Reid, Leslie; Smith, Malinda; Thompson, Robert; Bedard, Amber; Behjat, Laleh; Clement, Fiona; Dixit, Jaya; Exall, Kirsten; Kenny, Natasha; Lier, Tiago; O’Brien, Mary Grantham; Olszewska, Kinga; Roy, Sylvie; Steinberg, Shirley; Strous, Marc; LeMarquand, Anna; O’Toole, Erin. Pilot Plan: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Research and Teaching Awards. October 2021.
- Avanço, Karla; Balula, Ana; Błaszczyńska, Marta; Buchner, Anna; Caliman, Lorena; Clivaz, Claire; Costa, Carlos; Franczak, Mateusz; Gatti, Rupert; Giglia, Elena; Gingold, Arnaud; Jarmelo, Susana; Padez, Maria João; Leão, Delfim; Maryl, Maciej; Melinščak Zlodi, Iva; Mojsak, Kajetan; Morka, Agata; Mosterd, Tom; Nury, Elisa; Plag, Cornelia; Schafer, Valérie; Silva, Mickael; Stojanovski, Jadranka; Szleszyński, Bartłomiej; Szulińska, Agnieszka; Tóth-Czifra, Erzsébet; Wciślik, Piotr; Wieneke, Lars. Future of Scholarly Communication: Forging an Inclusive and Innovative Research Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication in Social Sciences and Humanities. June 19, 2021.
- Madina, Priya, on behalf of Taylor & Francis Group. In Compilation of Responses to Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Request for Information (RFI) To Improve Federal Scientific Integrity Policies. December 31, 2021.
- Mustajoki, Henriikka; Pölönen, Janne; Gregory, Kathleen; Ivanović, Dragan; Brasse, Valerie; Kesäniemi, Joonas; Koivisto, Elina; Pylvänäinen, Elina. Making FAIReR Assessments Possible: Final Report of EOSC Co-Creation Projects "European Overview of Career Merit Systems" and “Vision for Research Data in Research Careers". April 19, 2021.
- Ferwerda, Eelco; Grady, Tom; Lockett, Andrew; Petherbridge, Kate; Speicher, Lara; Stone, Graham; Taylor, Megan; Welsby, Alison; Wennström, Sofie. New University Press Toolkit: Supporting and Giving Guidance to New University Presses and Library-Led Publishing Ventures. March 24, 2021.
- Curry, Stephen; de Rijcke, Sarah; Hatch, Anna; Pillay, Dorsamy (Gansen); van der Weijden, Inge; Wilsdon, James (2020): The changing role of funders in responsible research assessment: progress, obstacles and the way ahead. Research on Research Institute. Report.
- Skinner, Katherine; Wipperman, Sarah. Living Our Values and Principles: Exploring Assessment Strategies for the Scholarly Communication Field. October 2020.
- Pia, Andrea E.; Batterbury, Simon; Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka; LaFlamme, Marcel; Wielander, Gerda; Zerilli, Filippo M.; Nolas, Melissa; Schubert, Jon; Loubere, Nicholas; Franceschini, Ivan; Walsh, Casey; Mora, Agathe; and Varvantakis, Christos. Labour of Love: An Open Access Manifesto for Freedom, Integrity, and Creativity in the Humanities and Interpretive Social Sciences, With a number of recommendations toward the commonification of open access. [Reference to HuMetricsHSS in comment by Marcel LaFlamme.] July 16, 2020.
- Mitchneck, Beth. Synthesizing Research on Gender Biases and Intersectionality in Citation Analysis and Practices. 2020.
- Michigan State University College of Arts and Letters. The 2019 Fall Planning Letter. September 2019.
- Association of College and Research Libraries. Open and Equitable Scholarly Communications: Creating a More Inclusive Future. Prepared by Nancy Maron and Rebecca Kennison with Paul Bracke, Nathan Hall, Isaac Gilman, Kara Malenfant, Charlotte Roh, and Yasmeen Shorish. Association of College and Research Libraries, June 11, 2019.
- Eve, Martin Paul. Open Metrics for Monographs Experiment: Final Report. JISC Open Metrics Lab, June 11, 2019.
- Eve, Martin Paul. Open Metrics for Monographs: Background Contexts and Literature Review. JISC Open Metrics Lab, June 11, 2019.
- SAGE Publishing. The Latest Thinking about Metrics for Research Impact in the Social Sciences. May 23, 2019.
- Altman, Micah, and Chris Bourg. A Grand Challenges–Based Research Agenda for Scholarly Communication and Information Science: Final Report from the MIT Grand Challenges Summit. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 17, 2018.
- Michigan State University College of Arts and Letters. The 2018 Fall Planning Letter. September 2018.
- Fitzpatrick, Kathleen, and Rebecca Kennison. Altmetrics in Humanities and Social Sciences. October 30, 2017.
- Access 2 Perspectives: Toward a values-aligned Academy – A conversation with Rebecca Kennison, Simone Sacchi, and Chris Long [June 2, 2022]
- The Liberal Arts Endeavor Podcast (Michigan State University College of Arts and Letters), Season 2, Episode 9: HuMetricsHSS (Humane Metrics Initiative)
Library Guides and Other Resources
- Arizona State University, "Citation Research and Impact Metrics"
- Columbia University, "Measuring Impact"
- Graduate Institute of Geneva, "Impact Metrics: Controversies"
- Johns Hopkins University, "Scholarly Metrics"
- Mindful Researchers, “Recommended (Re)Sources”
- Sam Houston State University, "Scholarly Publishing and Research Impact: Mid to Late Career Researcher Edition: HuMetrics for the Humanities and Other Emerging Metrics"
- San Jose State University, "Humanities & Arts in Action: Resources"
- University of Michigan, "Research Impact: Responsible Metrics"
- University of Nevada – Las Vegas, "Tracking Scholarship in the Humanities"
- University of North Texas, "Increase Your Scholarly Impact"
- University of Waikato, "Responsible Metric Use"
- Virginia Tech, "Tell Your Story - Impact & Engagement: Responsible Research Assessment"
- Western Sydney University Library, “Research Metrics: Position Statements”