Values-Enacted Leadership Institute (VELI)

HuMetricsHSS is excited to announce the first annual Values-Enacted Leadership Institute (VELI), to be held in July 2025.

The Oregon coast. A sandy beach curving on the left with the Pacific Ocean gently crashing against it. There are dark rocks just off shore to the upper right, with mountains the background. The beach is surrounded by pine trees, standing majestically against the bright blue sky.
The Oregon Coast

Values implicitly and explicitly shape how work in institutions of higher education are led, evaluated, and rewarded. High-level documents like mission statements and statements of purpose highlight the values that universities wish to enact, but they are misaligned with the social, technical, and financial systems on which academic institutions run, and rarely filter down into the lived experience of faculty, staff, and students. Bringing an intentional focus on the power of values to shape our institutions, VELI invites institutional teams of faculty, staff, and administrators together to incubate approaches to 1) leadership development, 2) assessment and reward structures, and 3) strategic planning and budgeting.

Generously supported by the Mellon Foundation, VELI will provide structure, space, and time for teams of faculty, administrators, and staff to articulate shared values and draw up concrete plans for institutional change that are firmly rooted in those values. While other leadership institutes focus on developing the individual, VELI focuses on the team, in the belief that values-enacted change comes through collaboration and commitment to shared values and shared goals.

Example projects might include reforming tenure and promotion policy to bring the process of evaluation more in line with the values of its faculty and staff; rethinking hiring and retention practices; working to better integrate and reward community-engaged and public work; or creating infrastructure to support increased collaboration.

A portion of the Institute’s costs will be offset by grant funding; details TBA.

Applications for VELI 2025 will open in Winter 2024.